Torquay Roadworks - Diversion Route & Details

Works to begin on Monday 5 February 2024. Torbay Council expect this phase of the project to take 18-weeks. 

Please note these works are not being carried out by Tor Bay Harbour Authority.

For any enquiries please contact Montel Group or Highways highways@​

Please follow this link Harbour Public Realm project to learn more about the works and diversions in place.

Tor Bay Harbour

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Charges at Torquay Harbour 1st April 2024 - 31st March 2025.
Facilities/Services Charges
Boat Park (Under 6m LOA* - multi hull) £114 per metre LOA* Inc VAT
Boat Park (Under 6m LOA*) £88 per metre LOA* Inc VAT
Car Parking Permit for Beacon Quay £645 per year or part Inc VAT
Jet Ski Pods £1144 per pod Inc VAT
Quayside Storage (on or off trailer) £4.00 per metre LOA* per day Inc VAT
Use of Slipway to dry out £5.00 per metre LOA* per day Inc VAT
Waiting List Registration fee for Inner Harbour/Town Dock/Jet Ski Pods £26.00 Inc VAT

*Length over all

For full schedule of charges, please visit our 'Harbour Charges' page.