Torquay Roadworks - Diversion Route & Details

Works to begin on Monday 5 February 2024. Torbay Council expect this phase of the project to take 18-weeks. 

Please note these works are not being carried out by Tor Bay Harbour Authority.

For any enquiries please contact Montel Group or Highways highways@​

Please follow this link Harbour Public Realm project to learn more about the works and diversions in place.

Tor Bay Harbour

Back to Safety
The 5 Knot Area

The controlled areas charted around the coast of Tor Bay are to ensure the safety of swimmers, kayaks, paddle boards and other slow-moving craft. They are in use between May and September. Within these areas, as well as the enclosed harbours, vessels should proceed with caution and must not exceed 5 knots. Look out for yellow buoys denoting the 5k speed limit at intervals along the entire coast of Tor Bay.

Water ski approach lanes are marked by small yellow conical buoys at Elberry Cove and Livermead Sands, and are the only exceptions.


The following ski lanes are in operation in the waters of Tor Bay Harbour.

Livermead beach

Elberry cove


Any vessel used for towing must have one additional person on board to act as spotter and be able to assist in the recovery of persons from the water.

Ski lanes must not be used between sunset and sunrise.

Use of ski lanes for activities other than towing is prohibited (Bye Laws).

For your safety please observe the entry and exit directions for each lane.