Torquay Roadworks - Diversion Route & Details

Works to begin on Monday 5 February 2024. Torbay Council expect this phase of the project to take 18-weeks. 

Please note these works are not being carried out by Tor Bay Harbour Authority.

For any enquiries please contact Montel Group or Highways highways@​

Please follow this link Harbour Public Realm project to learn more about the works and diversions in place.

Tor Bay Harbour

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Expansion of MDL pontoons - Torquay Harbour

From 26 March 2024

The existing layout of pontoons in the western side of Torquay Harbour has been changed. Additional pontoon walkways and berthing have been added Southwards towards Princess Pier.

During the phases of works the crane barge Walcon Wizard will continue to manoeuvre within the pontoons and mariners are to monitor VHF channel 14 and keep clear at all times.  

The plan below shows the new layout.

Rob Parsons.

Tor Bay Harbour Master