Torquay Roadworks - Diversion Route & Details

Works to begin on Monday 5 February 2024. Torbay Council expect this phase of the project to take 18-weeks. 

Please note these works are not being carried out by Tor Bay Harbour Authority.

For any enquiries please contact Montel Group or Highways highways@​

Please follow this link Harbour Public Realm project to learn more about the works and diversions in place.

Tor Bay Harbour

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Use of Town Pontoon For Temporary Berthing

From 29 April 2022

Temporary Berthing on Town Dock for Inner Harbour Customers

Torquay Inner Harbour customers are advised that the use of the Town Pontoon for temporary berthing when unable to access Inner Harbour moorings for tidal reasons, that the maximum length of stay is for one night without prior agreement from the Harbour Master.

Rob Parsons.

Tor Bay Harbour Master